7 Areas of Constant Growth for an Outstanding Life

As high achievers, we all know that whatever we focus on and set our mind to, we will find a way to achieve it. The greatest challenge for so many CEOs and business owners is building momentum and finding balance.

Even the very best top achievers acknowledge a gap between where they are and where they really want to be.  Is this true for you?

Perhaps our businesses or careers are strong, but our physical body is broken. Or maybe our emotions and meaning are lacking but our finances are strong and robust.  What about our intimate relationships are they flourishing or struggling, how about the connection with our children or the lack of time we have to do the things that matter.

Well I have battled with my physiology and I have scarified my body at the expense of finances, work and relationships!!

Many of my clients come to me seeking growth but the truth is they want balance. Most have no time, some struggle within their business needing clarity and direction, and others need help with their finances, but most want to live an extraordinary life and don’t know how.

What’s clear to me is that we are all in a battle together.

The secret to living your best life and living it on your terms is that you need to develop an obsessive commitment to focus on and consistently improve on all areas of life that matter to you. 

If you are experiencing this now, then you need to look at the following seven areas and address them so you can live your best life.

Here are the 7 seven areas of constant growth

  1. Physical Body
  2. Emotions and Meaning
  3. Relationships
  4. Time
  5. Work
  6. Finances
  7. Contribution

Its pretty simple yet most of us fail at more than one area but it doesn’t have to be that way. 

Everyone needs to ask themselves three simple questions…

  • What can you do now that will change your course in each area?
  • Are you taking time out, for yourself and the things that matter to you?
  • Are you giving yourself time to become self-aware so you can become aware? 

Feel free to drop your comments below and share your battle with the objective of finding a path to victory together.

I am blessed that I have the opportunity to help my clients grow and scale in the areas of business, finances and mindset.  I take great pride in helping them become the very best and what I invest in becomes and investment in them. 

If you are looking for someone to mentor, coach and guide you the I would love the opportunity to serve you.

If this is you and you need help to grow and flourish, to stop surviving and start thriving in your business and in life then book a discovery call with me and lets understand what is holding you back and if I can help you overcome that challenge and help you live your purpose.

Until then live with purpose


We work with highly driven top performers to create meaningful change that impact their business and life through mastering a growth mindset and implementing systems and processes that support scaling.

Kristian Livolsi | Business Growth Mindset


Schedule your FREE discovery call to learn about all the ways the business growth mindset team can help you and your business.
