E1 Top Achievers – Talking Growth Mindset with Lauren Whiting From Lift Cancer Care

Lauren’s interview was powerful, she is a driven and committed individual, with a strong desire to live her best life serving others with a cancer diagnosis.

A wife and mother of three children, a netball coach, friend, and oncology physiotherapist with a Masters in Applied Entrepreneurship and Innovation.

As the co-founder and CEO of Lift Cancer Care, a fully accredited day hospital she works with remarkably inspirational people, helping them overcome the physical and emotional strain that comes from a cancer diagnosis.

Lift is a world leader in prescribed exercise medicine, they are breaking new ground and establishing new guidelines for supporting people with cancer.

In this episode, we explore what inspires Lauren and what makes her a top achiever. How developing a growth mindset provides her with a winning mentality that helps support her team and all stakeholders. Lauren shares with us how she has grown from a team of 5 to 35 in three years and how what they do at Lift makes an enormous difference to an entire community. More importantly, Lauren tells us about her plans to make the Lift Method accessible to the entire world.

Key takeaways

Invest in yourself
Surround yourself with the right people, make sure you have the right people on your bus
Take time off and enjoy it
Create disciplines around time, this will reward you in spades

Check out her Linkedin Profile and connect with her https://www.linkedin.com/in/lauren-wh…

Thank you for listening, if you enjoyed the episode please rate the show and write a review that shares with others what you enjoyed the most. We love hearing from you so please drop us an email hello@kristianlivolsi.com.au

If you know any Top Achievers that we should have on the show get in touch with us at podcast@businessgrowthmindset.com.au


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