E12 Visionary Decentralized AI & Passion Driven in the Fertility & FEMTECH Sector with Dr. Jonathan Hall

Visionary Decentralised AI & Passion-Driven in the Fertility & FEMTECH Sector with Dr Jonathan Hall explores innovation and how stepping out of academia into the start-up world allowed him to really impact lives. Using his emotion as part of the reasoning is discussed and very enlightening.

Jonathan’s exploratory nature is evident as a top achiever. He is incredibly humble and loves to share his knowledge with others. A great discussion around making AI and health care affordable for the future. Empowerment through personalised health care has been the result of disciplined thought with Jonathan and his partners. 

Jonathan’s contagious passion shines in this conversation as he delves into some enticing questions around:

  • Artificial Intelligence
  • Fertility
  • The value his work/business brings to the world

My key takeaways from this conversation with Jonathan are:

  • Vision is very important
  • Treat problem-solving like a PhD
  • Incredible discipline
  • Fulfilment is key

A quote from the conversation that stuck with me:

“Some of the best ideas are driven from frustration.”

Great books Jonathan recommends:

Bible reading every morning aloud & old classics

16 Laws of Success by Napoleon Hill


Think & Grow Rich 


Podcast/YouTube videos:

Elon Musk

Tony Robbins


Connect with Jonathan here:

LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/dr-jonath…

Life Whisperer: https://www.linkedin.com/company/life…

Presagen: https://www.linkedin.com/company/pres…

Listen on Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/episode/0zgA…

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If you know any Top Achievers that we should have on the show get in touch with us at podcast@businessgrowthminset.com.au


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