11 Leaderships Lessons: How can it serve you?
So many business owners fail to lead they are too busy trying to control everything and they spend a great deal of time managing rather than leading.
Now from my observations consulting to more than 500 companies across 18 countries and my own actions serving thousands of employees…
I’ve seen a pattern amongst great leaders and, and it starts with responsibility.
When you become a responsible leader you start to see things differently and when you adopt a benefit mindset you play a pivotal role in the fostering of outstanding culture.
I want to share with you right now eleven leadership lessons that I have adopted and that I teach my clients
1. Treat everyone equally
2. Delegate and don’t micromanage
3. Share important information – transparency
4. Patience
5. Fail Forward
6. Time is your #1 asset – maximize it!
7. Master Communication
8. Choose your business partners carefully
9. Strategy is king – have one!
10. Love what you do
11. Culture eat strategy for breakfast
Adopting these lessons will see you thrive through your people.
You must be courageous and stand up in the arena which means you need to be vulnerable.
Become the change you want to see in this world and have others follow you voluntarily.