E6 Top Achiever | Leaving a Legacy of Love and Humility with Paul Edginton

A builder of legacies through love and humility is what excites Paul Edginton. Right from his childhood, Paul realised that a life of service to somebody else is the true meaning of purpose which he brings to his roles in the not-for-profit and business world.

Paul has enriched the lives of youth on the streets for many, many years and changed the thinking of how not-for-profit businesses operate. As CEO, he’s taken SYC from a $400K members profit to a $30M+ balance sheet.

Taking this knowledge to the role he has now as CEO of Vinomofo, he uses the core value of love to permeate every aspect.

Paul’s quiet but commanding personality shines in this conversation as he delves into some enticing questions around:

• Leadership in the business world today

• The advantage you can teach your kids for the future of business

• His personal life and how that’s entwined with how he operates in the business world

• How love is central to the business landscape

• What’s made him a better CEO

• What in his childhood led to the type of businessman he is today

My key takeaways from this conversation with Paul are:

• Refuse & Decide – I refuse to accept that and I decide to do something differently

• Failure is to be looked at as school fees – some are expensive

• “Love” makes corporates uncomfortable

A quote from the conversation stuck with me:

“If you can do it, then do it! If you don’t know how I’ll show you. If you can but won’t, then go away!”

Great books Paul recommends: Of Mice & Men by John Steinbeck https://www.amazon.com/Mice-Men-John-…

Who Moved My Cheese by Spencer Johnson https://www.amazon.com.au/Moved-Chees…

Connect with Paul here: https://www.linkedin.com/in/paul-edgi…

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If you know any Top Achievers that we should have on the show get in touch with us at podcast@businessgrowthminset.com.au


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