E2 Top Achievers – From Failure to Global Success with André Eikmeier

From Failure to Global Success with André Eikmeier

After years of poverty, stupidity, half an accounting degree, a failed family business, an acting career in four out of five of Australia’s worst TV shows, a singing career that never transcended being lead singer in a One Hit Wonders covers band, a failed theatre production company, a film production company that never broke out of making corporate videos for wineries with no money, an online wine social site which made absolutely no money, and a year-long kombi wine adventure travelling round the country… Andre finally launched wine startup, Vinomofo, with his brother-in-law Justin, and they grew it from two founders in his garage into a $100m wine brand, uniting a community of passionate wine lovers all around world.

In 2018 he left Vinomofo to create Good Empire. A platform to unite and empower a global community to live a more purposeful, connected and impactful life, and help create a more equal, abundant and sustainable world.

He’s a thought sharer and passionate speaker on purpose and change for good. Sharing his learnings from failure, creating a human culture, the importance of standing for something, building communities, and ultimately the key to living a more connected, purposeful, and impactful life.

In this episode, André talks about the importance of focus and keeping your eyes on the money. That’s right making sure you focus on the cash in your business.

He tells us how energy is the most grossly undervalued resource and f$%k yeah we agree!!!

There are many gold nuggets throughout the conversation and one which I picked up in my notes was that active procrastinators use the anxiety for purpose.

Check out André’s Linkedin Profile and connect with him https://www.linkedin.com/in/andreeikm…

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