E11 Lessons Learned from an Entrepreneur’s Journey with Mal Chia

The lessons learned from this entrepreneur’s journey and Mal’s extensive experience in the Marketing world is explored in this podcast episode. As the former Head of Marketing for Uber in South Australia, Mal Chia gives an insight into how Uber Eats in Adelaide was a test case for the rest of the world.

Mal Chia showed tenacity right from a teenager! I loved doing this podcast with Mal as he delves into what inspired him to become an entrepreneur in the marketing world. His experience as a DJ, being Head of Marketing for Uber in Australia and Rider Wear has seen him shine in this arena.

Mal’s enthusiastic personality shines in this conversation as he delves into some enticing questions around:

• The Marketing landscape
• Uber
• Top strategies for growth in business
• What’s made him a better entrepreneur through “failures”
• What habits he imparts to young entrepreneurs

My key takeaways from this conversation with Martin are:

• Use discipline to balance life
• Being very clear with your mission & purpose
• Relationships are critical for growth of your business

A quote from the conversation that stuck with me:

“What do you do really well? Figure that out and go do that!”

Great books Mal recommends:

Why We Sleep by Matthew Walker

Legacy by James Kerr

Purple Cow by Seth Godin

5 Dysfunctions of a Team by Patrick Lencioni

Connect with Mal here:

LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/malchia/

Website: https://www.malchia.com/

Thank you for listening, if you enjoyed the episode, please rate the show and write a review that shares with others what you enjoyed the most.

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If you have any questions about today’s podcast or want to get in touch send me a message or book a call here https://businessgrowthmindset.com/

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If you know any Top Achievers that we should have on the show get in touch with us at podcast@businessgrowthminset.com.au


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