Seeing the Potential in our Youth – The Hero Mentality with Erin Faehrmann EP 5

On International Podcast Day let’s celebrate Erin Faehrmann!

She is the Chief Executive Officer of Youth Opportunities, a not for profit organisation that works with young people to improve their well being, resilience and enterprise skills.

Each year, Youth Opportunities and its social enterprise generation, Thrive, engage with more than 2000 young people from 40 schools and organisations right across Australia.

Erin is a leading speaker on personal leadership, wellbeing, business change and systems thinking. Her work expands the public sector, youth leadership, education, and the not for profit sectors.

The 4 Foundational Habits & Principles Youth Ops instil in our youth are:

  1. Decide to be happy
  2. Decide on a goal plan
  3. Decide to send stars (positively communicate with people around you)
  4. Decide to choose growth

Kristian has a most engaging conversation with Erin and I’m sure you’ll enjoy it too!

Erin loves to read, Becoming Better Grownups by Brad Montague

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