E4 Top Achievers | Top Tips in Finding the Balance of Work and Personal Life with Nikki Govan

Spinning the plates, fitting in all that life throws at us and then add on top, being a business owner and Chair of many Boards, Nikki Govan shares her secrets to staying sane and thriving.

Women tend to take on many roles and through Nikki’s life experience, heroes and mentors, and a relentless strength of being a people person, she divulges her secrets!

Some of the questions we explore are:

• How do you spin the plates?
• How do we fit it all in?
• Who is Nikki and what does she stand for?
• Why she dislikes the word “busy”
• Nikki’s feelings on “quotas” when filling roles in business and on boards
• Her challenges and how she overcame them
• Habits that have made her successful
• Nikki’s Top 3 Lessons

Nikki has come from a family business background, and this has driven her throughout her life. Although Nikki wasn’t a studious student and spent more time in trouble at school, she found her strength of being a people person from a young age. This strength had her pursuing a career in Tourism which then led her to Committees, Boards and eventually Chairing those boards.

Owning The Star of Greece was a joint venture with her partner Doug, and this presented many challenges along the way. Today, it is a very successful restaurant with the expansion of the business currently occurring.

The challenges it took to become a mother to a beautiful young daughter had her looking at life differently. This is where Nikki discovered that stress can have a major impact on your body.

My key takeaways from this conversation with Nikki are:

• Have as a foundation; “Think First Who, Then What” (Jim Collins)
• Never show up with just the problem, come with a solution too
• Always hire for skills and then allow diversity to come together

A great book recommendation Nikki provided:

Two Cultures, One Story by Dr. Robert Isaacs

Connect with Nikki here:

Current Business & Boards:

Star of Greece: https://starofgreece.com.au/

Chair/Director – Business SA

Chair – Adelaide Economic Development Agency (City of Adelaide)

Chair – Work Health & Safety and Worker’s Compensation Committee (Australian Chamber of Commerce & Industry)

Chair – Tourism, Retail, Hospitality Services Industry Skills Council (Department of Innovation & Skills)

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#boards #chairperson #restauranteur #tourism

If you know any Top Achievers that we should have on the show get in touch with us at podcast@businessgrowthmindset.com.au


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